Indicateurs de performance usuels

Performance commerciale

Expected Gross Written Premium

Performance technique

Ratios de profitabilité : le système C.L.A.I.M.

Convention de nommage mnémotechnique pour nos ratios principaux :

ombined Ratio (Ratio combiné)

  • Formula:
  • Definition: The sum of claims costs, insurer expenses, and distribution (acquisition + management) costs divided by total earned premiums (excl. taxes).
  • Purpose: Provides an aggregate view of overall profitability before investment income. A ratio below 100% indicates technical profitability.

oss Ratio (Rapport Sinistres à Primes)

  • Formula:
  • Definition: The cost of claims, including provisions, divided by total earned premiums (excl. taxes).
  • Purpose: Assesses technical profitability by showing the percentage of premiums used to cover claims.

cquisition Cost Ratio (Taux de commission d’apport)

  • Formula:
  • Definition: The sum of broker or distributor acquisition commissions divided by total earned premiums (excl. taxes).
  • Purpose: Highlights the cost of acquiring and managing policies relative to premium income.

nsurance Operating Cost (or Overhead) Ratio (Ratio de frais assureur)

  • Formula:
  • Definition: Total general administrative expenses divided by total earned premiums (excl. taxes). Examples include salaries, IT systems, rent…
  • Purpose: Measures internal efficiency, reflecting the portion of premiums used to run the insurer’s business.

anagement Cost Ratio (Taux de commission de gestion)

  • Formula:
  • Definition: The sum of broker management commission divided by total earned premiums (excl. taxes).
  • Purpose: Highlights the cost of acquiring and managing policies relative to premium income.

Relations to other traditional ratios:
  • Expense Ratio: (see EIOPA definition in that, more info here)
  • Distribution Ratio:
    • Formula:
  • Ratio “chargé” ou (S+C)/P:
